Roberto is a forty year old journalist who is about to experience the best day of his life. It is the 27th of March. Roberto is in the hospital holding a camera in his hand pointed at his wife Sarah’s belly who is about to give birth to their first daughter, Cecilia. As soon as the head of the little girl appears, joy and tears stream down from Roberto’s eyes. But something goes terribly wrong and Roberto is immediately led out. A few minutes later he receives the tragic news, Sarah dies following a serious hemorrhage. A man without relatives and mental fragility, the sudden death of his wife is devastating. Cecilia becomes the only reason why he does not take his own life. But the fear of losing her also brings him over the years to develop a morbid attachment to the little girl.
Ten years later, Roberto is being treated by a psychologist due to the persistency of severe depression. The severity of what happened is as such and he cancels the date of March 27 from his memory as a defense mechanism.Carola and Nicholas are a young professional couple. She is a renowned oncologist absolutely faithful to science and he is a vegan nutritionist with broader views. Their beautiful life has reached the apotheosis of the birth of little Ginevra who is now seven years old. However in the recent days the serenity of the family is chipped by strange nightmares in which Geneva lives over and over inexplicable shreds of a past life. Carola’s attempts to explain the cause of these dreams, in her opinion, as fiction of a child’s imagination, they do not budge Geneva from the conviction of reliving episodes that actually happened. A disturbance in particular, however, makes Nicholas suspicious, which gives him a different opinion of that of his wife. Ginevra has had an unexplained phobia of water and cars for several months.
During his sessions with the psychologist Roberto tells about his days spent together with Cecilia. The psychologist is aware that only by remembering the trauma experienced on that date can she overcome her shock. But when he is asked to remember what happened on March 27th, as always he does not have an answer. Ginevra now does seemingly inexplicable things. Plays the piano like a musician though she has never taken one lesson and talks about a town in another country where she claims to have lived. There divergence of views between Carola and Nicholas reaches a breaking point. She, true to her science, believes that the child is simply suffering from a disorder. He does research on the internet and he does not manage to explain his daughter’s problem in no other way than by admitting the possibility of reincarnation. Convinced of his theories, Nicholas leaves with his daughter and reaches the country where she says she has lived.
As they reach the town, Ginevra immediately recognizes the house where she is certain to have passed part of her life. Nicholas cautiously asks her to wait in the car, rushes to the door and knocks. The owner however claims to have lead a peaceful life with his wife and daughter and refuses to let him in. Roberto once again at the psychologist tells what happened to him that day. He talks about the guy who opened the door labeling him crazy for his crazy theories on reincarnation. Once again he does not remember what happened on March 27th. The psychologist suggests to him that he call Nicholas and invite him to his home. She is convinced that the outcome of that meeting could cause such a shock to induce him to overcome the trauma of his mourning. When Ginevra crosses the threshold of the door, the dog inside the house immediately recognizes her. She recognizes each detail of the house and every detail of the bedroom upstairs.
At the next session the psychologist asks again what happened on March 27th. Roberto gives up and begins crying. Finally he remembers everything and does not hesitate to tell it. He’s driving on a road in the woods in the car with Cecilia on her birthday. Cecilia does not share her joy with her dad for the party that he has organized at home. She is convinced that only a few friends will be present. The others have slowly abandoned her because her father is always glued to her. In his mind that fragile phrase has catastrophic effects. Roberto stops the car in the middle of the woods yelling out like a crazy man to the little to get out of the car. Cecilia fails to make him reason. Terrified by his screams, she gets out of the car crying. Roberto tears off skidding. A hundred meters ahead he stops the car, Cecilia is no longer visible in the rear-view mirror. His fury becomes panic in less than a second. He puts the car in gear and reverses back to the starting point. Cecilia is gone. On March 27th, the same date that he lost his wife ten years earlier, his daughter dies because of him. The inability to accept her death makes him live his daughter’s past as if it were the present. However, something strange happens during his visit with Ginevra finally he becomes unblocked. He continues telling all the details of those moments.
Ginevra comes downstairs. Finally she sees Roberto’s face. She calls him daddy and she runs towards him hugging him. Roberto confused, reciprocates but with a barren hug. She shows him the plush bunny to which he asserts that it was his daughter’s favorite toy. Ginevra corrects him immediately saying that her favourite toy was the carillon that her father would play for her every night when he would sing her a lullaby. The little girl pouts in her attempts to desperately convince her father. Tears run down her cheeks while she sings the lullaby that Roberto used to sing to Cecilia. As she did so, he traced the little girls’ face with the index finger of his right hand. Ginevra repeats those tender movements on her father’s face, while she does she asks him crying why he still hasn’t hugged her. She reminds him that the two had sworn never to leave each other. She is there to keep her word. Now Roberto has the irrefutable proof that in that little body is inhabited by his daughter Cecilia. Finally he gives in to his emotions that already by a few moments he is tired of holding in. The hug last until the last tear. The experience is so extraordinary that that erase all of Carola’s theories and she asks her husband for forgiveness.
- INITIAL RELEASE : September 28 2018, INDIA
- DIRECTOR : Luca Fortino
- BUDGET : 2.6 Million USD.
- LANGUAGE : English, French, Italian